3 Tips for Making Decisions That Are Right for You
Stop trying to please everyone else
Everyone wants to give advice about how being successful is the ultimate goal to happiness.
Except, sometimes it isn’t.
Because success is defined individually — by personal parameters.
The formula for measuring success can take many forms, for example, maintaining good health, managing the household budget, keeping the car in good running condition, or meeting your manager’s expectations.
As humans with the ability to make our own decisions and act out of free will, being on the receiving end of well-meaning but often irrelevant advice from those attempting to improve our lot in life can be, well, a real pain.
Sometimes literally.
Which is why some advice falls on deaf ears and other suggestions are praised as pearls of wisdom, sparking energetic motivation.
What makes the difference?
Instinctual awareness.
Instinct is a natural and proven resource — an internal compass that seldom fails us. The challenge is learning to recognize it — trust it — and place a greater reliance on those “gut feelings” we all experience.
How much priority should we place on instinct?
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