4 Insights from an Ancient Civilization That Give Me Hope for a Promising Future
How to give your heart fully to the game

According to the Mayan calendar, the 5125 year-long cycle ended on December 21, 2012.
The idea made for some interesting movies and several best-selling books — mostly consisting of over-dramatized fiction with little basis in fact.
There were, however, a small group of people who construed this event to be the literal end of time — and life — on this planet.
Other radical interpretations suggested the “end-of-days calendar” was actually a kind of astronomic timetable, warning us of apocalyptic changes in weather and geo-centricity that could result in the loss of much of the world’s infrastructure that we now take for granted.
The world’s leading experts had assured us we had little to fear and, in all likelihood, December 21, 2012, would come and go without incident — and with most people’s thoughts focused on the holiday season.
It seems a shame, really, to have an ancient civilization like the Mayans — who left us with such a nifty collection of temples and the basis for modern-day astronomy — predict such a significant event without attributing some degree of credibility to their efforts.
Maybe our mistake in considering the 2012 prediction was our “all or nothing” context.
By only thinking in terms of extreme opposites — catastrophic prophecy or entirely meaningless timekeeping — we may have overlooked a more fertile middle-ground.
Just for fun, let’s imagine the re-setting of the Mayan calendar with a different mentality. What if, rather than predicting a cataclysmic end to our way of life, the Mayans were encouraging future generations to periodically examine their lives — to re-evaluate their priorities and, if necessary, make a few changes.
Personally, I like the idea.
And it started me thinking …
What if, for the next few months, I decided to live my life as if the world really was coming to an end?
How would I spend my time? Where would I go? Who would I want to see and what would we talk about if I knew it would be my last conversation with that person?
I quickly realized this scenario and mindset would put a whole different perspective on the way I use my time — not to mention, the need to make a few changes in the set of rules I currently live by.
Now I was hooked. I decided to instill a few of those New Rules in my mind and behavior, considering them as little reminders to keep me focused on the things in life that are important. If you find any of them useful, feel free to borrow, modify, or adapt them to your own situation — not only for the balance of this year, but for all the years to come.
Go your own way.
Live life by your standards. If you choose to adopt other people’s lifestyles, dictates, and doctrines, do so only if they’re right for you.
Once we’ve reached adulthood, we’ve earned the right to call our own shots — to live where we choose, see who we want, and to spend our time in ways that are personally satisfying. As long as our choices don’t hurt others, we have the right to explore the opportunities of a lifetime.
Use every day to advantage.
Recognize that the days are passing. Our time is limited, so make each day count for something important, small or large.
When we’re in our twenties and thirties, the future is a vague and seemingly endless string of tomorrows. But those with the majority of years behind them often encourage us to spend our time consciously and in ways that make us — and others — happy.
A close family friend (now eighty-six) put it extremely well:
“Don’t celebrate your eightieth birthday still wishing you had traveled more, worried less, made more friends, visited family more often, repaired broken relationships, or been more willing to try new things.”
Whether you’re looking at another fifty years or another five, live every day in appreciation of how you spend your time.
Remain flexible to change.
Remember life is what happens while you’re planning your future. It seldom works out the way we think it will. But it does work out.
Being receptive to alternative experiences can be a true source of joy and excitement. And the more you try new things, the more often new things will arrive on your doorstep.
Regardless of what happens, don’t take it too seriously.
Socrates suggested it. Shakespeare said it. And Will Rogers made it a classic.
Recently, it was repeated very eloquently by Bill Harris, a brain-wave researcher and founder of the Centerpointe Research Institute:
“We adopt the role of actor, witness, or author, giving our hearts fully to the game of life, knowing all the while that it is a great diversion and will eventually end.” — Bill Harris
Personally, I’m looking forward to living life to its fullest from now until the next December 21st — and all the days that follow.
In health & happiness,
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Jill Reid is the author of Real Life, Discover Your Personal Truth, Life in Small Doses, and Please God, Make Me A Writer. Her books, videos, and newsletter explore life, relationships, self-improvement, health, and personal success strategies for working through the challenges of everyday life.