A Few Tips for Cutting Your Doubts and Fears Loose - Guilt-Free
It's time to pitch your personal mental baggage
An acquaintance of mine is always stuck in the past.
His life view — and the decisions he makes — are the result of constantly re-living experiences that occurred long ago.
While he’s a decent, even likeable person, the inability to move forward without first consulting with his inner gypsy about previous events better laid to rest seems to hold him captive in a constant state of uncertainty.
Unfortunately, this type of cautionary mindset is all too common.
For many people, deferring to a state of mental hesitation creates a barrier to progress, because nothing much ever changes in their lives.
Even worse, these timid souls become less confident about considering new opportunities or pursuing personal goals — unless there’s a guarantee of success.
The problem? Embracing this rigid, steadfast strategy can have a paralyzing effect.
By holding onto the toxic debris of past mistakes — and their consequences — our “forward motion” button remains stuck in a hold position.
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