How Many Great Opportunities Have You Let Slip By?
Breaking the chokehold of procrastination can set you free.
“There are those of us who are always about to live. We are waiting until things change, until there is more time, until we are less tired, until we get a promotion, until we settle down — until, until, until. It always seems as if there is some major event that must occur in our lives before we begin living.” — George Sheehan
At some point, you may have heard someone say, “I know there’s something better out there for me.”
While seemingly an optimistic attitude, for some, those few simple words have become an easy excuse for remaining in a holding pattern. Because it suggests there are — and always will be — tons of juicy options out there ripe for the picking.
But there’s a catch in this line of thinking.
Believing the luxury of time is on your side may suggest you’re convinced there will always be another opportunity waiting around the corner.
Sure, you might argue this type of perception represents having a positive mindset when it comes to imagining a perfect future. But in practice, this delay-driven strategy has the potential to keep you right where you are — stuck in a state of limbo with no forward motion in sight.
The result? Many people tell themselves there’s no hurry — no need to rush into things — because all those great options will be standing by until the time is right.
Here’s the problem …
What happens if you hold off too long on taking action because you’re reluctant to change any aspect of your current comfy existence? Will those same opportunities still be out there to explore, regardless of a procrastinating attitude?
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