Why You Should Keep Your Personal Box of Horrors to Yourself
Other people have no interest in your problems.
There seems to be a disappointing trend taking hold in society.
Maybe you’ve noticed.
What am I talking about? There are lots of folks who are taking a hard pass on assuming any level of responsibility or obligation in their lives.
Far too many people are intentionally putting their interests, lives, and futures into the hands of others. And they’re happy to do so, because it requires no effort, thought, or commitment on their part.
I don’t think it’s an indication of a lack of ability, talent, or skills. What I’m referring to are those who have all of the above and have simply chosen not to put forth any degree of effort or energy to find out what they’re made of.
The rationale for this mindset?
Rather than facing up to the realities of life, those who engage in this type of behavior believe it’s easier to shift a heavy load off their own shoulders and onto someone else’s — even if that load is of their own making.
Think about it.
If you could figure out a way of sailing through life with no responsibilities or obligations — and no one to account to or for — you might think you’ve found the solution to all your problems. You may even imagine how every day would become a literal breeze — allowing you to float happily and freely through life without a care in the world.
Because all those issues, problems, and debris keeping you from being happy have been deftly handed off — never to be seen or heard from again.
Here’s the problem …
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