Scared of Everything? How to Get Back on Track - Before It's Too Late
Don't let fear become your master.
Back in high school, I had a friend who’s best described as “handful.”
Typically late for class and skipping out on tests, Susan often spoke out of turn — overly anxious to shout out an answer and move on with the lesson.
Her unbridled approach to life was more than a challenge for most of her teachers. As a result, Susan spent a lot of time after school in detention doing “penance” homework.
After graduation, and finally free of school disciplinarians, Susan hit the road of life running in a mad dash — without course or direction. Bouncing from place to place, she appeared unconcerned about where — or how — she would land.
To me, it seemed like her personal compass was broken and no longer responding to the influences of logic, reason, or common sense.
We didn’t see much of each other after we left school. Occasionally, she’d send me an email, birthday card, or holiday letter filled with descriptions of exotic places she’d visited or a teaser about the next trip she had in the works.
Like a restless stone skipping across a smooth pond, Susan kept on the move — hoping not to get wet or sink too soon.
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