The situation took a desperate turn, and nothing seemed to be making any sense.
An emergency meeting had been called. There was no time to waste — and so very much at stake.
Throughout the garden, the flowers were on high alert. Something had changed — a drastic and noticeable shift in the atmosphere.
The air was unnaturally still — calm, quiet, motionless. Not a single vibration or frequency tickled their leaves. Not a sound to be heard, as if the area had been encased in an unexplainable vacuum.
Finally realizing the awful truth, the flowers wailed in grief: The bees were gone.
They hadn’t seen their buzzing companions in weeks, and confusion quickly set in. No longer the recipient of the bees’ daily visits and welcome company, the flora were nervously on edge.
Leafy fingers were pointed and blame quickly spread through the fields.
Harmony and balance had been disrupted. The culprit had to be identified — and made to pay.
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