“The stuff of our dreams has always been out there. We just need to tune in to what we want, recognize it, and make it our own.” — Jill Reid | Real Life
Wondering why you never get what you really want?
You think about it all the time —having a successful career, financial stability, the perfect relationship.
And while thoughts of an ideal life fill your brain, you can’t help feeling sorry for yourself. That’s when the questions start pouring in:
Why does everyone else get the breaks?
When will I find someone I can really connect with, even love?
What am I doing wrong?
Here’s an excerpt from a story in Real Life that may help to answer a few of those questions.
5 Ways to Attract and Create a Positive Life
Norman Vincent Peale wrote about it in “The Power of Positive Thinking.”
James Allen penned, “All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.”
And Earl Nightingale said, “We become what we think about.”
Each author was referring to the Law of Attraction—the idea that we attract into our lives what we think about. The more passionate our feelings, the greater likelihood of our thoughts becoming reality.
These age-old concepts were the basis for The Secret, the best-selling book from several years back (and a few others that “expanded” on the process).
So does it really work?
Can our conscious thoughts actually control what happens to us? The answer is somewhat ironic. If you don’t think so, the answer is no. On the other hand, if you believe your experiences are the result of your thoughts, then the answer is—to a subjective degree—yes.
The reason is simple.
We consciously direct our focus upon things we think about.
You can read the full story and thirty-four others in Real Life, Book One of the Real Life Series. Sit back and enjoy this short Book Trailer …
In health & happiness,
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Jill Reid is the author of Real Life, Discover Your Personal Truth, Life in Small Doses, and Please God, Make Me A Writer. Her books, videos, and newsletter explore life, relationships, self-improvement, health, and personal success strategies for working through the challenges of everyday life.
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