Why You Should Embrace Your Fears and Move Forward - On Your Own Terms
Don't take the easy way out.

Just do it.
The phrase was made famous by an athletic shoe and clothing brand. And we often repeat the words to ourselves and others when faced with a hurdle that can stop us in our tracks.
Still, the message is difficult for most of us to live by.
Why? Because more often than not, the alternative is so much easier.
Rather than tackling the problems and issues that pop up front-and-center, many folks prefer to coast along through life, avoiding many of the difficult challenges and sticky situations. Because it doesn’t take nearly as much effort — or thought.
Unfortunately, making the easy choice not to do anything is often encouraged by an apathetic crowd, convincing you the better option is to fall into formation and simply feign ignorance.
The fluttering flag of blind compliance is compelling, because it suggests a lack of effort with no tough decisions to make or roadblocks to overcome. The temptation to follow the leader like lemmings to the sea presents a mindless way out — leaving someone else to deal with the hard stuff.
Spoiler alert: There’s a lot of company on Easy Street.
Finding false comfort in the alleged comradery of the masses can make the hard road appear less desirable or even unnecessary.
Fortunately, there are those who see beyond the façade and choose to take the difficult journey. They recognize the value and rewards of personal choice, independence, and finding a better way for themselves. They also realize the end result is more likely to bring meaning and a deep sense of satisfaction to their lives — because they’re moving forward on their own terms.
Making the decision to bypass the well-worn trail and focus on a different direction requires commitment and persistence.
Embracing life’s pitfalls and hazards takes a positive attitude and a dose of courage to work through the inevitable complexities of life. Because the alternative is to ditch your dreams at the first sign of difficulty.
Those who take such a journey may stop to rest and recharge, but they keep going, knowing that giving up often means looking back on their life with regret, lamenting the choices they made or wishing they had taken action instead of procrastinating until an opportunity had passed them by.
We all have the ability to make such choices — follow along with the crowd or take the less-traveled path with those who refuse to settle for the mediocre, the average, or the ordinary.
The decision to step out of line and evade the hypnotic trance of the masses allows us to appreciate the advantages of associating with those who are also following their dreams and enjoying the benefit that comes from the truth of association — an enduring success principle from Jim Rohn that states,
You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with — Jim Rohn
The real truth?
It’s never too late to walk a different path. Simply ask yourself which road carries the most promise for achieving your goals and fulfilling your dreams — and whose company you’d rather have with you along the way.
Do it — because it is hard.
In health & happiness,
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Jill Reid is the author of Real Life, Discover Your Personal Truth, Life in Small Doses, and Please God, Make Me A Writer. Her books, videos, and newsletter explore life, relationships, self-improvement, health, and personal success strategies for working through the challenges of everyday life.