Your Problems Won't Go Away on Their Own
Waiting for things to take care of themselves is a waste of time
It was time to clean the refrigerator.
I’d put it off far too long and, try as I might, I hadn’t been able to locate an outsource service to take over this unpleasant job.
I put the excuses aside and decided to block out thirty minutes of precious time I’d never get back. Reluctantly, I approached the fridge and opened the door. Pausing, I wondered if I should go to the linen closet to get a pair of rubber gloves and a mask. But my schedule was tight, and another delay might convince me to squash the clean-out idea completely.
Tackling the chore a shelf at a time, I moved food up, down, and around so I could lift out the glass shelves and empty the drawers. While everything soaked in soapy water, I scrubbed the rails, support frames, and interior walls. Yuck!
If I’m being honest, I’d have to admit I found the process a bit cathartic.
Shuffling plastic containers, bottles, and jars gave me the opportunity to reacquaint myself with all those intentional purchases. What took me by surprise was realizing there were a few items that had overstayed their welcome and needed to be discarded — quickly.Â
Why had I let those expired intruders continue to take up residence when they should’ve been tossed weeks ago?
Decisions had to be made.Â
Should I open lids, untwist bottle caps, or peel back foil seals and take the chance a quick sniff might permanently damage my lungs? I decided it wasn’t worth the risk. If something even looked questionable, I pitched it to the trash can.
And as I progressed through the vetting process, my mind began feeling a little lighter. Replacing the clean shelves and drawers was inspiring, because now there was lots of room to rearrange a few things. I could see clearly now and had a handle on what was still good, what was important to keep, and what had enough shelf life to retain a little longer.
And all because I decided to do what I had to do when I should do it.
Was it the incessant nagging in the back of my brain that pulled me toward the refrigerator like a magnet seeking a polar opposite? Perhaps guilt had finally taken center stage and could no longer be ignored.
I may never know. In any case, when the job had been completed, I scanned the clean, fresh inventory of healthy food and took a deep breath. Having a stock of edible items I could easily recognize and eat without having to subject myself to a scratch and sniff test felt pretty darn good.
Maybe next week I’ll tackle the pantry. Heaven knows what’s lurking in the deep, dark corners of that closet … and I’m pretty sure it’s not going to do itself.
In health & happiness,
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Jill Reid is the author of Real Life, Discover Your Personal Truth, Life in Small Doses, and Please God, Make Me A Writer. Her books, videos, and newsletter explore life, relationships, self-improvement, health, and personal success strategies for working through the challenges of everyday life.